Still available in Otcober 1980
when Jessop advertised it at £68.75 plus £2.50 post
& packaging.
The following year the enlarger was upgraded to have an in-built
set of sliding colour printing filters and was renamed the Colour
35 Enlarger. Thereafter, both black & white and colour darkroom
outfits were suppled with the Colour 35 Enlarger.
HOWEVER, by 1998, the
Group International catalogue announced that the original
35 Enlarger, slightly redesigned, was to be relaunched as part
of the NEW Paterson Darkroom Outfit. This seemingly retrograde
step may have been because the mass amateur colour printing market
had failed to appear and so this new Outfit, although claimed
to be of universal application, was really intended to appeal
to those wishing to try black & white printing using Multigrade
variable contrast paper. With such paper, a filter draw to take
proprietary filters would have been more convenient than using
the previously in-built colour printing filters which had a density
range not ideal to Multigrade.
The same 1998 catalogue,
referring to the earlier b&w and colour darkroom outfits
claims " recently as 1992 (they) were awarded the
prestigious Buying Cameras 'Darkroom Product of the Year' award."