Johnson Competitions

The following is an extract from the inside front page of the booklet Johnson Chemicals, Tanks and Accessories believed to date to 1950.

"Every year Johnsons of Hendon hold a series of photographic competitions open to all amateurs. A large number of substantial cash prices are offered and there are consolation priozes as well. The main object of the contests is to improve the general standard of amateur photography and to encourage the casual snapshotter to concentrate on making better pictures. Ask your dealer for a leaflet giving all the details or write to us for one." 

One of the 1949 Prizewinners

Johnson Photographic Competitions for 1947.

Open to all amateur photographers. Pictures taken with any kind of camera are eligible. No entrance fees, only a label from one of the Johnson Photographic Chemicals.
Summer competition closes July 31st
Winter competition closes December 31st.

Subjects: Children, Animal, Home & Figure Studies, Landscape, Seascape, River & Street Scenes, Allotment, Garden, Flower & Tree Studies, Architectural, Interior & Table-Top Subjects.

60 Prizes in EACH competition, including 35 Cash prizes.
2 of £5, 3 of £2, 10 of £1, 20 of 10/- (50p) and 25 consolation prizes of photographic chemicals.


In 'Photography' magazine for October 1953 Johnsons ran a competition that had the instructions:
Can you write a Johnson Jingle ?

"So if you fancy writing verse,
In three-line jingles - apt and terse,
Try winning guineas for your purse,
from Johnsons."

Select a striking print of any subject you like. Attach a label from one of Johnsons Chemical preparations and then add a three-line jingle + your name and Address IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Prints must be upright - not oblong - and not smaller than 4x5 or larger than 10x8 inches. The jingle should consist of three lines only, with each line containing eight 'feet' (the poetic term for syllables). LINE 1 should contain an apt reference to the subject of your picture. LINE 2 should refer to a contrasting alternative. LINE 3 should link the subjects, photographically, with JOHNSON CHEMICALS and do not forget that, when the verse is read aloud, it should trip smoothly off the tongue.

A prize of ONE GUINEA (= £1.05p) will be paid by Johnsons for each accepted print, provided it is accompanied by an amusing and appropriate three-line jingle. Enclose a stout envelope, self-addressed and stamped, for return of print and jingle if unsuccessful. No correspondence can be undertaken.


(Note that several Jingles appear overlapping at the top of the October advert. In the examples below, these are referred to as 'pre-October 1953')

Johnson Jingle No ??
Amateur Photographer (AP) magazine 7th January 1953

If, in the prints you make tonight,
The blacks are black, the whites are white,
And all the middle tones come right,
You're using Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No ??
Amateur Photographer (AP) magazine 1st April 1953

For boys with tadpoles in a jar,
And mother driving in her car,
Or anything - from near or far,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No ??
Amateur Photographer (AP) magazine 29th April 1953

For Willie going for a walk,
or battlements, like those at York,
And prints that make club members talk,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No ??
Amateur Photographer (AP) magazine 27th May 1953

For children who've been picking flowers,
And citadels with ancient towers,
Or beach scenes snapped in leisure hours,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No ??
AP magazine 24th June 1953

For castles old and bridges new,
And scenes like fairyland come true,
Or snaps of daffodils at Kew,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 12
AP magazine 5th August 1953

For flocks of geese upon the march,
And grannie sitting stiff as starch,
Or snaps of the Marble Arch,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 15
from PhotoGuide magazine June 1953

For pictures of domestic pets,
And bookies shouting out their bets,
Or snaps of men with fishing nets,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle ??
AP magazine 19th August 1953

For pictures of the harvest scene,
And crowds who come to see a Queen,
Or snaps of girls on whom you're keen,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 16
AP magazine 26th August 1953

For crowds of children watching Punch,
And Highland cattle in a bunch,
Or snaps you've taken after lunch,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No ?
AP magazine 16th September 1953

For village streets suffused in light,
Or landscapes taken from a height,
And snaps of scenes you love at sight,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 16
from 'Photography' magazine pre-October 1953

For girls upon the yellow sands,
And football crowds in Wembley stands,
Or snaps you made in other lands,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 19
from 'Photography' magazine pre-October 1953

For washing hanging on the line,
Or shipyards on the River Tyne,
And views you think extremely fine,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 22
from 'Photography' magazine September 1953

For Tigers feeding at the zoo,
Or Frenchmen saying Parlez Vous,
And snaps for me and snaps for you,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No ??
from 'Photography' magazine pre-October 1953

For snaps of bright eyed little cubs,
And yokels outside country pubs,
Or prints you're showing at the clubs,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 26
from AP magazine 28th October 1953

For Peggy pointing at the cat,
Or baby walking pit-a-pat,
And snaps of other things like that,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 24
AP magazine 4th November 1953

For Harry concentrating hard,
And snaps of father in the yard,
Or gendarmes on the boulevard,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 30
AP magazine 25th November 1953

For interesting shots like this,
Or records of a moments bliss,
And subjects needing emphasis,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 27
from 'Photography' magazine November 1953

For pictures of your canine pets,
And groups round television sets,
Or Eastern views with minarets,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No ??
from 'Photography' magazine December 1953

For sailing ships all moored in line,
And snaps of steamers on the Rhine,
Or prints that turn out really fine,
Use Johnson Chemicals. 

Johnson Jingle No 31
from 'Photography' magazine December 1953

For yachts becalmed on placid seas,
And sea-gulls in the Hebrides,
Or snaps of Aunty's Pekinese,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No ??
from Amataur Photographer magazine 9th December 1953

With snaps you make when skies are grey,
Or indoor scenes on Christmas day,
To get results the easy way,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 54
from AP magazine 17th March 1954

For twins who sing with verve and dash,
Or portraits that you take by flash,
And prints you hope to sell for cash,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 55
from AP magazine 24th March 1954

For portraits of a Siamese,
Or Yorkshire dales and forest trees,
And all things beautiful that please,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 41
from AP magazine 14th April 1954

For prints of cats with big green eyes,
And aeroplanes that sweep the skies,
Or snaps you hope will win a prize,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No ??
from AP magazine 28th April 1954

For snapshots of the friend of man, (meaning a dog)
And every photograph you plan,
To get the best results you can,
Use Johnson Chemicals. 

Johnson Jingle No ??
AP magazine 26th May 1954

For pictures at your journey's end,
Or portraits of your dearest friend,
And all those snaps you ought to send,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 87
from PhotoGuide magazine October 1954

For country scenes with lovely skies,
And snapshots made at Kensal Rise,
Or prints you hope will win a prize,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 88
from PhotoGuide magazine November 1954

For cherry blossom in the spring,
Or seagulls gliding on the wing,
And more or less just anything,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No ??
from AP magazine 10th November 1954

Success can seldom be delayed,
When once the rules are all obeyed,
The finest Photographs are made,
With Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 94
from AP magazine 1st December 1954

"Why are your prints so clean and bright?"
I asked a chap the other night,
His answer quickly put me right,
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 95
from AP magazine 8th December 1954

If you desire to gain success,
With pictures for the public press,
Then always - Oh! But you can guess!
Use Johnson Chemicals.

Johnson Jingle No 115
from AP magazine 11th January 1956

For snaps you've made at London Zoo,
Or Hampton Court, the Tower or Kew,
Give every film its proper due,
With Johnson Chemicals.


This page last modified: 11th February 2021 (previously 10th March 2020)